Who is Hsin?

Director and Animator

Hi, I am Hu Jung-Hsin. I am a Taiwanese director, animator, storyboarder, and concept artist. Also, I am an award-winning artist. I like all the art mediums withstorytelling, such as film, books, audiobooks, and performances. Story is the most compelling approach for people to accept a narrative structure. The motivation for me to step into the animation career can be granted by the Ghibli movies, they always touch my heart on new year's TV. Therefore, I amcommitted to capturing genuine emotion, creating appeal world and attractive characters for all animation lovers.

Like a Bridge  

MA, Character Animation, Central Saint Martins (UK)
BA,Visual Art Education, Pingtung University (Taiwan)

From East to West, the diverse cultural experience and educational history have made me become more flexible. In other words, it reflects my diverse artwork and nice partnership.

Nature Lover

TVPaint, Storyboard Pro, Photoshop, Premiere, After Effect, Blender, Office
Watercolour, Ink Painting, Mineral Painting, Print Work, Ceramics

I work on software or paper.
How do I collect my inspiration? From real life. I am a nature lover. I have swum the largest lake (3000m) and climbed the highest mountain (3952m) in Taiwan. Road trips, diving, rowing, hiking, and observing are my favorites. Instead of collecting ideas online, outdoor experiences are my main library.